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The Institute of Peoples, Territories, and Pedagogies for Peace (IPTP) is a non-governmental, non-partisan organization that sets out to foster decolonizing, intercultural dialogue, educational and diplomacy efforts across territorial, regional, national, and international organizations and grassroots movements in Colombia, Canada, Bolivia and is expanding its scope to include South Africa, Ghana, and Senegal.


The IPTP works towards deepened recognition of the ethno-territorial rights, governance, and ways of being of Indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples, women, diverse, and rural and urban communities. The IPTP seeks to support those affected by and address determinants of, racial and gender discrimination, displacement, and multiple forms of violence, including the disproportionate effects of armed conflict, as in the case of Colombia, South America. 


The IPTP aims to advance agendas for global peace and environmental governance through collaborative education with First Nation, Indigenous, and Afro-Descendant groups globally, focusing on the importance of buen vivirmino-bimaadiziiwin, Ubuntu, and other significant Indigenous teachings.

Where We Work

South Africa
Established Connections
Growing Connections
The international community urges the resumption of peace negotiations involving the
Colombian Government and the ELN, the extension of the ceasefire agreement, and the
effective implementation of the Ethnic Chapter of the 2016 Colombia Peace Agreement.
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