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Nuestro Trabajo

Educación decolonial

Paz con los pueblos indígenas, los afrodescendientes y las mujeres

Diplomacia de los pueblos

Gobernanza medioambiental y derechos etnoterritoriales

Actividades Recientes.

El IPTP participa como contraparte en el desarrollo de estrategias para apoyar y mejorar la autodeterminación política y territorial de los pueblos indígenas y afrodiaspóricos, fortalecer el papel de las mujeres y los jóvenes étnicos en los procesos de construcción de la paz, apoyar los intercambios culturales, políticos apoyar los intercambios culturales, políticos, económicos y educativos y la construcción de movimientos a través de Abya Yala/Isla Tortuga, incluso a través de la diplomacia de los pueblos y los esfuerzos de defensa de la tierra y el agua, y desarrollar una programación educativa decolonial y estrategias para el acompañamiento de las universidades indígenas y afrocolombianas centradas en pedagogías étnicas.


Comunidades y Gobiernos Indígenas y Negros


Organizaciones Sociales a Nivel Nacional


Medio Ambiente Internacional & Derechos Humanos


Univerasidades & Fundaciones


 Gobierno & Sectores Diplomáticos

El Instituto tiene previsto seguir fomentando las colaboraciones y ampliando su red de socios. Centrándose en el fortalecimiento de las relaciones y la exploración de nuevas oportunidades, el IPTP se propone:


  • Identificar socios potenciales e iniciar nuevos acuerdos

  • Mejorar las asociaciones existentes mediante una comunicación regular y actividades conjuntas.

  • Supervisar los avances y evaluar el impacto de estos acuerdos


El IPTP participa como contraparte en el desarrollo de estrategias para apoyar y mejorar la autodeterminación política y territorial de los pueblos indígenas y afrodiaspóricos, fortalecer el papel de las mujeres y los jóvenes étnicos en los procesos de construcción de la paz, apoyar los intercambios culturales, políticos apoyar los intercambios culturales, políticos, económicos y educativos y la construcción de movimientos a través de Abya Yala/Isla Tortuga, incluso a través de la diplomacia de los pueblos y los esfuerzos de defensa de la tierra y el agua, y desarrollar una programación educativa decolonial y estrategias para el acompañamiento de las universidades indígenas y afrocolombianas centradas en pedagogías étnicas.

Advancing Commitments to Decolonial Education

June 2024

  • Algoma University's Faculty of Cross-Cultural Studies hosted a delegation of Indigenous and AfroColombian social leaders

  • Held course "Decolonizing peace in Colombia in a global context: rights of territory, nature, and people’s self-determination" concurrently

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Creating Connections in Africa

November 2023

  • IPTP Director, Dr. Sheila Gruner presented at the LASA Conference in Accra, Ghana

  • Participation in Global Perspectives on Women's Leadership in Peace and Democracy panel

  • Participation in the International Encounter on Feminist Diplomacy for Peace

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Colombian Delegation visit to Algoma University

June 2023

  • Delegation of eight comprised of Indigenous and Afrodiasporic Colombian social leaders 

  • Delegation and Algoma University participated in conversations about decolonizing education, the Colombian peace dialogues underway, the parallels between Truth Commissions and reconciliation efforts in Canada and Colombia, as well as grassroots strategies to support survivors of residential schools, to search for the remains of the missing, and to confront violence against Indigenous women and girls


Participation in Humanitarian Caravan

January 2023

  • Participation in historical "Humanitarian Caravan" that traveled by boat to various Afro-Diaspora and indigenous communities in the Pacific coast of Colombia

  • Delegation of 160 human rights defenders, activists, community leaders, government officials and representatives of the National Liberation Army (ELN)

  • Took place as one of many initiatives in the new Government's peace process and goal of "Paz Total"


Visit of Algoma University Leadership to Colombia

September 2022

  • Leadership included Vice-President, Nyaagaaniid- Anishinaabe Initiatives, Mary Wabano-McKay and Manager of Equity and Student Success and Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Jane Omollo


Placement Student Visit

February 2024

  • IPTP Placement student, Manon Lacelle, Metis-Abinake from Canada visits Bogota office 

  • Student accompanied by Kendall Mitchell, IPTP Project Coordinator

  • Meetings held with many partner organizations and meeting with Pijao community


Developing Partnerships in Colombia & Bolivia

October 2023

  • Algoma University Academic and Inter-Cultural Delegation

  • Signing of MOU's with the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), Universidad de Ibague, and FILAC


Inter-cultural Course on Peace

February 2023

  • Algoma University Course:  "Communities, Territories and Inter-cultural Education for Peace" with Indigenous, Black, and Women's organizations 

  • Bi-lateral Education Meeting with Colombian university partner

    • Memorandum of Agreement with Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

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International Conference

October & November 2022

  • Membership included Assistant Professor and Chair - Department of Community Economic and Social Development, Laura Wyper, and Manager of Equity and Student Success and Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Jane Omollo

  • Meeting with ONIC's Senior Council and the National Indigenous Training School EFIN, Self and Intercultural Education Counseling, on agreements regarding the consolidation of the Indigenous University

  • Participation in "Non-violence and Nature" Conference at the Universidad del Quindio

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Algoma U Delegation to Colombia

August 2022

  • Participation in Presidential Inauguration 

  • Meeting with Indigenous and Black movement organizations and the Ethnic Commission for Peace and Defense of Territorial Rights

  • Participation in Historical Reparations event

  • Conference with Chief Dean Sayers of Batchewana First Nation at the Universidad Pedagogical

  • Meeting between Chief Sayers and National Indigenous and Black representatives (we can review this with him before publishing this section)

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